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Pediatric Dentistry – When To Start & Benefits

Pediatric Dentistry – When To Start & Benefits

When it comes to pediatric dentistry, parents may have many questions about what is best for their child. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist by their first birthday or within six months of their first tooth erupting. It is important for parents to understand why pediatric dentists are necessary and how long children should be seeing them in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout childhood.

Why Is Pediatric Dentistry Necessary?

Pediatric dentists are specially trained pediatric health care providers who specialize in the oral health of children from infancy through adolescence. Pediatric dentists provide comprehensive preventative and therapeutic oral health care for infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents. They have extensive knowledge and experience in pediatric dental issues such as thumb-sucking, fluoride therapy, pediatric tooth decay and trauma, pediatric dental sedation, orthodontics, pediatric oral health education and more.

When Should My Child Start Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?

The AAPD recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist by their first birthday or within six months of their first tooth erupting. This allows pediatric dentists to evaluate the development of the primary (baby) teeth and create a comprehensive plan for their oral health, as well as discuss any issues or concerns the parent has about their child’s dental health. Children should visit the pediatric dentist every six months for routine check-ups and professional cleanings, even if no decay or cavities are present.

Benefits Of Starting Early Dental Care For Kids

1. Preventative Care

Pediatric dentists can provide preventative care for children and help them establish healthy oral hygiene habits early on. Preventative care includes professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, nutritional advice, and education on proper brushing techniques. These services help ensure that children’s teeth and gums remain healthy and that their oral health is maintained throughout childhood.

2. Restorative Care

Pediatric dentists also provide restorative care for children, such as fillings, crowns, bridges, root canals and extractions. If a pediatric dentist detects any cavities or decay in the teeth, they will recommend the most appropriate treatment option.

3. Orthodontic Care

Pediatric dentists can also provide orthodontic care for children, such as braces and other corrective measures. Orthodontic treatment helps to ensure that the teeth are properly aligned and functioning optimally, thus improving overall oral health.


Pediatric dentistry is an important part of pediatric health care and is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums throughout childhood. The AAPD recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist by their first birthday or within six months of their first tooth erupting, so that pediatric dentists can evaluate the development of the primary (baby) teeth and create a comprehensive plan for their oral health. Pediatric dentists provide comprehensive preventative and restorative care, as as orthodontic treatment if necessary.


Q: What pediatric services do pediatric dentists offer?

A: Pediatric dentists offer comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents. This includes professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, nutritional advice, and education on proper brushing techniques.

Q: How often should a child visit the pediatric dentist?

A: The AAPD recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist every six months for routine check-ups and professional cleanings.

Q: Where can I find pediatric dentists in Jacksonville?

A:  Pediatric dentists in Jacksonville can be found through the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s website. Simply enter your zip code and you will be presented with a list of pediatric dentists near you. You can also book appointment with our pediatric dentist at Baymeadows Park Dental in Jacksonville.

How To Choose A Cosmetic Dentist?

You must visit a dentist if you want to love the way your smile looks and feels. A gorgeous smile is one of the most incredible things you can provide yourself. Since there aren’t many dentists who focus on cosmetic dentistry, we are aware that in some regions, finding the ideal cosmetic dentist can be difficult.

What Are My Options For Cosmetic Dentistry?

There are many different kinds of dentists available nowadays for your dental needs. Family dentists are one kind. They perform routine dental procedures, including cleanings and fillings, and are often found in offices or school-based programs. A cosmetic dentist is another category of dentistry. They are primarily found in private practice offices and concentrate on cosmetic procedures like porcelain veneers and teeth whitening.

Visual Evidence

Do they have images of actual cases that you can view on their website? You can browse through albums or online galleries maintained by skilled cosmetic dentists. Always ask friends, family members, or coworkers who they go to for dental care, and look up their web ratings. Look at websites like Yelp or Google+ Local, which offer many patient reviews on various dentists in your region if you don’t know anyone else who visits the same dentist.

Range Of Procedures

More than anything else, you want to ensure that the dentist you select has all the qualifications needed to perform the job well. This covers routine cleaning and maintenance of the teeth and, if necessary, cosmetic dentistry and oral surgery. A good dental hygienist is a valuable asset for any dentistry, but it’s critical to provide extra services for more complicated operations.


To avoid having to pay unnecessarily, know which insurance plans are accepted and which are not in your area by professionals in the dentistry profession. Finding a dental professional that charges reasonable fees is essential because dental procedures vary in price from one provider to the next.

Schedule A Consultation

When looking for a cosmetic dentist, you should first make an appointment for a consultation with the people who will be doing your treatment. While some dentists may let you choose the colors and materials, others might have their preferences for their patients. If so, find out about them during your appointment and determine whether any of them are essential requirements before hiring them. Additionally, you want to confirm that they have the relevant expertise to manage your surgery.

Anybody who has completed dental school is eligible to identify themselves as a cosmetic dentist. Once more, it takes more than a dentist’s proclamation of being an expert in aesthetic dentistry to become one. If and when the opportunity arises, many family and general dentists may attempt to handle the uncommon cosmetic case even if they are not equipped. The main differences between a genuine cosmetic dentist and a general dentist are that the latter has a reputation to maintain specifically in the field of cosmetic dentistry, a highly developed artistic eye for cutting-edge dental procedures, and skills that have been refined through extensive continuing education and experience. We hope this blog helps you to choose a cosmetic dentist that best suits your needs.

Know When You Need Emergency Dental Care In Jacksonville

There are a few dental emergencies like tooth infections, tooth damage, etc that you shouldn’t ignore. You should be aware of dental emergencies so that you can immediately seek prompt dental care from the best dentist and save yourself from further dental issues.

If you are in Jacksonville FL and looking for a dentist for any dental emergency then Baymeadows Park Dental has experts who can help you with emergency dental care.

Dental Emergency

Never ignore a dental emergency as that may cause several other issues and you may also undergo expensive and other complicated treatment procedures.

Some of the dental emergencies are stated below for a better understanding.

  1. Excruciating Pain
    Toothaches are a very common problem among all ages of people. Many people ignore toothaches by taking medicines. Consulting a dentist on time is always suggested. A dentist will not only give you proper medicines but will also examine the actual cause of the sudden toothaches. Some toothaches are associated with other problems like nasal tissues and ears. Visiting a doctor will help you to reach the base problem.
  2. Fractured teeth
    Did you get into a bar brawl or did you inadvertently catch something hard that made your teeth break or get chipped? In all honesty, your dental specialist can in any case save your teeth – as long as you visit him following the mishap with the bits of your wrecked tooth/teeth. This will allow you the opportunity to safeguard your regular teeth and stay away from the expense of getting a crown or extension methodology.
  3. Foreign bodies between the teeth
    Certain individuals will utilize their teeth to nibble a wide range of stuff as opposed to utilizing the appropriate devices. Subsequently, they get harmed and could get an unfamiliar material stuck in the middle of their teeth. Assuming this happens to you, you can attempt to utilize dental floss from the start however on the off chance that that doesn’t work, then, at that point, go see a dental specialist immediately. Try not to take out the unfamiliar matter forcefully as this may simply bother the aggravation, harm your teeth and gums, and cause death. Your dental specialist can investigate the area carefully and deeply with his instruments and will know precisely how to continue without incurring any further harm.
  4. Lost Filling or Dental Crown
    Lost Filling or Dental Crown likewise bring about torment, also the humiliation of confronting individuals with a hole in their teeth. The sooner you have it fixed or supplanted, the better you will look and feel.
  5. Sudden Bleeding
    Sudden bleeding can be brought about by injury in the gums, lips, cheeks, or tongue. You can try putting a cold pack on the area to stop the dying, however on the off chance that that doesn’t work, then it would be smarter to see your dental specialist immediately. He might have to join the injury or sear the tissue to stop the bleeding at last.


Not every oral problem requires a dentist immediately. Some oral problems can wait for a day or week but above mentioned oral issues need the dentist right away. If you are in a search of a dentist then our Baymeadows Park Dental, Jacksonville FL is here to examine your oral issue and provide you with immediate medication.

What Are Common Sleep Apnea Risks?

Sleep apnea symptoms and side effects include snoring, spells of respiratory arrest, sleeplessness, and hypersomnia. These symptoms can lead to major concerns with your general health over time, especially if your sleep apnea is not addressed. The following are some of the most prevalent hazards and adverse effects of sleep apnea.

Daytime Sleepiness

Daytime drowsiness is both a symptom and a risk factor for sleep apnea. Daytime drowsiness, also known as hypersomnia, can impair your performance at work or school and leave you exhausted from performing vital duties such as spending time with loved ones, participating in your favorite hobbies, and exercising. If you fall asleep while driving or operating heavy machinery during the day, you are more likely to be involved in an accident.

Heart Problems

Sleep apnea is characterized by an abrupt and repeated decline in blood oxygen levels during sleep. The unusual strain on the heart and cardiovascular system raises blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiac disorders such as irregular heartbeat, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. Because of the increased risk of surgery, lifetime intensive care, and death, heart issues are one of the most devastating long-term complications of sleep apnea.

Type 2 Diabetes

Blood carbon dioxide levels rise during sleep apnea, producing insulin resistance and excessive blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes alone raises the risk of nerve damage, kidney damage, and arm amputation.

Weakened Immune System

Along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and efficient stress management, good sleep is essential for keeping a robust immune system. Sleep apnea-related sleep deprivation can weaken and impair the immune system, leaving you more prone to sickness, infections, and diseases.

Mood Disorders

Sleep deprivation may lead to rage and sadness, as well as issues in your interpersonal connections and family life. Sleep deprivation can also raise levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, disrupting the balance of the other hormones and neurotransmitters that govern moods, such as serotonin and dopamine. As a result, untreated sleep apnea is frequently associated with the development of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.


It is believed that heart disease or stroke causes 42% of fatalities in those with sleep apnea, and the risk of mortality is significantly higher if sleep apnea is not treated. Finding the appropriate diagnosis and adequate treatment for sleep apnea today can lower your chance of mortality dramatically.

The Importance of Seeking a Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

Sleep apnea’s irreversible repercussions might jeopardize your health and well-being even more. Finding the appropriate sleep apnea diagnostic will help you move one step closer to figuring out what’s causing your sleep issues and feeling healthier, livelier, and more energetic. The sooner you can prove that you have sleep apnea, the sooner you can start reversing and treating your condition’s health consequences.

Book an appointment with Baymeadows Park Dental for Sleep Apnea Treatment today.

Tooth Infections: Definition, Signs & Treatment Options

A tooth infection can cause a range of issues if it is left untreated for a long time. As a result, you must seek medical help as soon as you become aware of the warning signs. This blog has all of the information on tooth infections that our dentists at Baymeadows Park Dental have compiled.

What Is Tooth Infection?

The production of fluid within the gum tissues or teeth is the hallmark of a tooth infection, often known as a dental abscess or a dental infection. Plaque and tartar development are the most common causes of tooth infections. In regions where plaque and tartar have built up, harmful bacteria can thrive, creating plenty of issues.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Tooth Infection?

A tooth infection can manifest itself in a variety of ways. A list of symptoms has been compiled by your Jacksonville dentist.

  • Toothache that goes up to your ear
  • Sensitive teeth
  • You may feel uncomfortable while eating or chewing food.
  • The temperature is high.
  • Lymph nodes swollen
  • Swollen cheekbones and tissues on the cheek
  • A terrible taste in your tongue is caused by an abscess rupture.
  • Gum tissues that are swollen
  • Teeth discoloration
  • Loose teeth
  • You have an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
  • Halitosis that persists

Tips To Treat Your Tooth Infection

The discomfort of a tooth infection is relieved while the infection is prevented from spreading. Your dentist in Jacksonville will start treating your tooth infection with a dental X-ray, depending on the degree of the pain. This allows your dental care professional to see if the bacterial illness has spread to any other parts of your mouth. The following treatment options are available to you, but you must select one based on the degree and type of tooth abscess. To discover which option is best for you, talk to your Jacksonville dentist.

Teeth Extraction

If the tooth is significantly damaged, your dental care professional may need to extract the rotten tooth first, followed by the pus.

Removing Any External Material

An abscess can be caused by a foreign object stuck in your gums. In this case, your dentist would have to extract the foreign substance before applying a saline solution to the affected area.

Abscess Drainage

Your dentist in Jacksonville will cut into the tooth abscess to remove the pus. Following that, the area will be thoroughly washed with a saline solution.

Root Canals

The pus must be drained, and any pulp that has become infected must be removed. Your dental hygienist will then fill and seal the pulp chamber. A dental crown may be recommended to repair the damaged teeth.

Opt For Medication

If your immune system is compromised or if the infection has moved beyond the cracked tooth, your dental care professional may prescribe an oral antibiotic to help you heal faster. As a result, as soon as you discover any warning symptoms, you should visit the dental office

We hope this blog has helped you to understand more about dental infections. Get in touch with us at Baymeadows Park Dental and enjoy the best dental care procedures in Jacksonville, FL.

Dentist’s Guide To Replacing Your Missing Teeth

A missing tooth is a regular occurrence that can be caused by several different circumstances. Missing teeth, on the other hand, carry with them their own set of dental problems. They may make you feel uneasy and have a detrimental impact on your voice and diction. This is why it’s so important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible. At Baymeadows Park Dental our dentists will explain why you need to replace your lost teeth.

Reasons To Replace Your Missing Teeth

Tooth loss can be caused by several factors. It could be the result of poor oral hygiene or an accident injury. The best Jacksonville dentist will assist you in understanding the need of replacing your missing teeth.

Helps With Chewing

Our teeth assist us in correctly chewing and swallowing our food, as well as ensuring proper digestion. We lose our capacity to chew effectively when we lose teeth, which can lead to a lack of nourishment in our bodies. Once again, the type of missing tooth has an impact on your ability to chew. You’ll probably have to give up some of your favorite foods. When chewed on, hard foods have the potential to hurt and damage the empty socket. As a result, to avoid these issues, you must replace your missing teeth. Simply visit your dentist in Jacksonville to determine the best method for replacing your missing teeth.

Retains Your Bone Density

The health and strength of your jawbone are dependent on the teeth. Apply pressure to your jawbones as you’re chewing. The increase in bone density is aided by this pressure. Bone atrophy and loss of density can be caused by missing teeth. This could result in serious dental issues in the long run. As a result, if you have missing teeth, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist in Jacksonville right away.

No More Issues Related To Your Chewing

When you lose a tooth, it can affect your ability to communicate. Yes, our teeth have a big influence on our diction and speaking. When teeth are missing, you may notice that certain words have a distinct sound when pronounced. Slurring and increased saliva production may occur during a conversation, resulting in spitting. This could harm your personality. This is why it’s critical to replace your missing teeth as soon as possible.

Improved Confidence

Missing teeth may compromise your appearance. Your facial muscles may sag as a result of missing teeth, giving you the appearance of being older. As a result, most people are embarrassed and avoid social situations. Fixing this issue could boost your self-esteem and improve your personal and professional connections.

No Issues Of Misalignment

As a result of the space caused by tooth loss, your neighboring teeth may shift. When one tooth moves, the others shift as well. Your mouth will fill up as a result, and your smile will become uneven. This can alter your communication and eating habits. It has an impact on your physical appearance and the ability to change it. Brushing and flossing your teeth daily can be difficult if your teeth are crowded. Plaque forms as a result, which is damaging to your tooth health. If you’re having any of these problems, make an appointment with your Jacksonville dentist.

We hope this information helps you to make better decisions regarding your dental health. Get in touch with us at Baymeadows Park Dental if you are looking for the best dental care procedures in Jacksonville, FL.

All You Need To Know About Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease is a very common disease that can ultimately lead to tooth loss if left unaddressed. In the initial stages, the symptoms are very mild and there is no pain at all. However, as the disease progresses, you could experience a lot of discomforts. Our dentists at Baymeadows Park Dental have provided all the details about periodontal treatment in this blog.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease?

Patients of any age can develop periodontal disease, however, adults are the most frequently affected. Since periodontal disease could be painless at first, it’s necessary to be aware of any of the indicators listed below by the best dentist in Jacksonville.

    • Inflamed, puffy, tender, or red gums
    • Gums that bleed, especially after brushing or flossing
    • Noticeable pus around the gums and teeth
    • Loose teeth
    • Foul breath or persistent bad taste inside your mouth
    • Receding gums, that make teeth appear larger than usual
    • Gums that have separated or slid away from the teeth, forming a gum pocket
    • Visible changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite into your food.

Some Methods To Prevent Periodontal Disease

This disease can be avoided by following proper oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing. Another preventative step is to get periodontal disease treatment from your Jacksonville dentist as soon as the signs are detected. Despite these efforts, periodontal disease continues to be one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults.

    • Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is recommended.
    • Using antimicrobial mouthwashes or toothpaste will kill the harmful disease-causing bacteria
    • Visiting your dentist in Jacksonville for dental cleanings and check-ups twice a year is highly advisable.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease can be treated in both surgical and nonsurgical methods.  Though the therapies necessary for earlier stages of periodontal disease are usually less invasive, the severe stages of periodontal disease need oral surgery.

Nonsurgical Treatments include:

    • Scaling– removing plaque and germs from the surface of the tooth and behind the gums with advanced dental tools such as a laser and ultrasonic device.
    • Root Planing- This is the process where your Jacksonville dentist smoothens the tooth root surfaces to prevent bacterial and tartar accumulation. This destroys bacterial by-products that cause swelling and slow down the recovery process.
    • Antibiotics- Using oral and topical antibiotics to manage bacterial infections.

Surgical Treatments include:

    • Flap surgery (Pocket Reduction Surgery)- Creating small incisions in the gum tissue to pull back a portion of the tissue for effective scaling and panning
    • Soft Tissue Grafting- Reinforcing receding gingival tissues. This involves replacing the damaged tissues by grafting tissues from the top palate or a donor.
    • Bone Grafting- This is a procedure that replaces the damaged jawbone surrounding the affected tooth root.
    • Tissue-stimulating Proteins- Applying a protein-containing solution to the damaged tooth root stimulates the formation of healthy gum tissues and bones.
    • Guided Tissue Regeneration- This is a technique for re-growing the bone tissues that have been damaged by bacteria.

We hope this blog has helped you to understand everything you need to know about periodontal disease treatment. Get in touch with us at Baymeadows Park Dental for the best periodontal treatments in Jacksonville, FL.

Preventive Dentistry: Definition & Advantages

Every dentist recommends preventive dental care to avoid the development of major oral health concerns later in life. Are you curious about the advantages of preventive dentistry? Our dentists at Baymeadows Park Dental have provided a list of benefits in this blog.

What is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is a series of regular activities that can help improve dental health. Brushing and flossing should be part of a daily routine that includes frequent dental examinations and expert teeth cleaning. These practices will keep you healthy by preventing the development of dental disorders. The best dentists in Jacksonville provide several preventive dentistry services at our dental office.

What Are The Advantages Of Preventive Dentistry?

Your favorite Jacksonville dentist has given a list of benefits that can help you to better understand the importance of these services.

Timely Diagnosis

Regular visits to the dental office can help in the early detection of problems. Your Jacksonville dentist can search for signs of periodontal disease or bruxism in your mouth. Signs of oral cancer can also be detected with thorough physical examinations. This will help to get rid of the problem on time and keep you safe from bacterial illnesses and diseases.

Helps To Maintain Your Smile

Visiting your Jacksonville dentist on a regular basis might help you avoid tooth decay and discoloration. Professional dental cleaning is necessary for addition to routine brushing and flossing. Otherwise, you may need to require professional teeth whitening treatments later in life. It is preferable to avoid staining from a young age by practicing good oral hygiene and attending your appointments.

Prevents Cavity Formation

Cavities can cause pulp deterioration and possibly tooth loss if left untreated. This is why, in order to avoid cavities, brushing and flossing should be done on a regular basis. Visit your dentist in Jacksonville for fluoride treatments and the application of dental sealants to cure cavities and prevent future decay. Preventive dentistry is beneficial in preventing the formation of cavities.

Address Joint Disorders

Bruxism and temporomandibular joint diseases can occur at any moment. You might not even be aware of it. The symptoms of these disorders can only be diagnosed by a dental care professional. If left untreated, it can result in major jaw misalignment and severe headaches.

Prevents Other Health Issues

Oral hygiene is linked with general health. Missing your regular dental treatments could result in you missing out on an early diagnosis of other severe disorders that could harm your entire body. As a result, preventive dentistry is both useful and necessary in this regard.

We hope this blog has helped you to understand the advantages of preventive dentistry. Looking for the best preventive dentistry services in Jacksonville, FL? Book an appointment with us at Baymeadows Park Dental and enjoy our wide range of dental services.

What you need to know about the cracked tooth?

If a person has pain when chewing food, or if their teeth suddenly become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, one of their teeth may be fractured. Anyone who feels they have a cracked tooth should visit our dentist as soon as possible. If a cracked tooth is not repaired, it can cause more difficulties, pain, and discomfort over time.

What are the symptoms?

A cracked tooth might not always create symptoms. People frequently have fractured teeth without realizing it. Some cracks are not dangerous and may not require treatment. However, if a person experiences any of the following symptoms, they may have a more extensive sort of crack that necessitates dental treatment:

  • Discomfort while eating, especially when chewing or biting.
  • Gums that are inflamed around the cracked tooth.
  • Teeth that have suddenly developed a sweet tooth sensitivity.
  • Teeth that have developed a sudden sensitivity to hot or cold foods.
  • Recurring pain.
  • Uncertainty in the area of the teeth and gums.

How are cracked teeth repaired?

The type of therapy is determined by the extent of the tooth’s damage. Inquire with our dental staff about the best treatment option for you:

  • Bonding- This is the process of filling a fissure with a plastic resin. It can readily repair a minor chip at the biting edge of the tooth. Bonding might help to restore the form of the teeth.
  • Cosmetic contouring- It is used when the chip is very small. To conceal the crack, the rough edges of the tooth are softened and polished.
  • Veneers- These are appropriate when there is still a good quantity of teeth remaining because they are long-lasting and require the least amount of teeth to be removed first. A veneer is a thin covering of porcelain or acrylic that is designed to cover the front surface of the tooth.
  • Crowns- They are utilized when a tooth is too damaged for a veneer. A crown fits over the remaining portion of the tooth, strengthening it and giving it the appearance of a natural tooth. If the nerve is injured and becomes infected, you may need root canal therapy first. This entails cleaning out the root canal of any infection. To prevent additional infections, the root is cleaned and filled. To provide further support, the tooth would be fitted with a crown.

We hope this blog has helped you understand what fractured teeth are. Many people have fractured teeth at some point in their lives. There are several methods available to save the tooth and your look. While a fracture can be fixed, unlike a broken bone, a cracked tooth can never be completely cured. However, quick treatment increases your chances of saving your tooth and avoiding infection and further harm. So, if you want the best cosmetic dentistry solution for cracked teeth in Jacksonville, FL, come to Baymeadows Park Dental. It is our goal to save all of our patient’s teeth for life. Proper diagnosis and crack therapy will provide care that is both long-lasting and predictable.

How To Better Your Sleep Experience When You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a kind of sleep disorder that causes breathing problems while you’re asleep. Obesity and age play a major role in the advancement of this condition.

There are two primary kinds of sleep apnea—Central and Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

Check out its Symptoms:

  • Frequent, loud snoring
  • Sleep interruptions or insomnia 
  • You wake up from sleep with a sore throat or dry mouth
  • Choking, snorting or gasping while asleep  
  • Daytime sleepiness and fatigue
  • Get up several times during the night to urinate
  • Headache

Few home remedies to cure Sleep Apnea and get a better sleep experience:

If you’re suffering from mild cases of sleep apnea, just little changes in your lifestyle may be enough to treat this issue. Follow the given below instructions-

  • Lose weight. Once you lose weight, it easily can open up your throat and minimize your symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • Daily exercise. Do aerobic exercise, or yoga, or resistance training daily to strengthen the muscles in your airways and to breathe better.
  • Sleep on your side. To lie on your back is the worst position if you are suffering from sleep apnea. It makes your jaw, tongue, and other soft tissues drop back toward the throat, and this narrows your air passage. 

But if you lay on your side, it allows you to keep your airway open. You can even lie on your belly. And if you lie on your back, remember to keep your head elevated.

  • Avoid taking alcohol, anti-anxiety medication, and other sedatives, generally before bedtime. When you take all these, it makes your throat muscles relax and disturbs breathing.
  • You can use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device when you sleep. A CPAP device is a solution that helps to keep your airways open. All you gotta do is wear a mask over your mouth and nose while you go to sleep. This mask is connected to a device that pumps air into your throat through a hose. And it inflates the throat and prevents it from getting collapsed!
  • Surgery may also be a treatment option in few cases. But let your dentist always decide what’s apt for you!

Final Words

Various health hazards can also happen due to sleep apnea—and sometimes even life-threatening. Therefore, you shouldn’t leave it untreated. Health issues caused by sleep apnea include:

  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Increases mood disorders like depression and anxiety.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Worsens your memory and loss of the ability to concentrate.
  • Triggered headaches.
  • Weight gain.
  • Chances of strokes, irregular heartbeats
  • Metabolic abnormalities.
  • Diabetes.
  • Liver complications.


You can get in touch with Baymeadows Park Dental if you want to receive the best treatment for sleep apnea conditions in Jacksonville, FL. Our Dentist in Jacksonville will diagnose the precise extent of the condition and can prescribe a suitable treatment plan. Book an appointment and we’re happy to help you.
