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All You Need To Know About Periodontal Disease Treatment

All You Need To Know About Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease is a very common disease that can ultimately lead to tooth loss if left unaddressed. In the initial stages, the symptoms are very mild and there is no pain at all. However, as the disease progresses, you could experience a lot of discomforts. Our dentists at Baymeadows Park Dental have provided all the details about periodontal treatment in this blog.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease?

Patients of any age can develop periodontal disease, however, adults are the most frequently affected. Since periodontal disease could be painless at first, it’s necessary to be aware of any of the indicators listed below by the best dentist in Jacksonville.

    • Inflamed, puffy, tender, or red gums
    • Gums that bleed, especially after brushing or flossing
    • Noticeable pus around the gums and teeth
    • Loose teeth
    • Foul breath or persistent bad taste inside your mouth
    • Receding gums, that make teeth appear larger than usual
    • Gums that have separated or slid away from the teeth, forming a gum pocket
    • Visible changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite into your food.

Some Methods To Prevent Periodontal Disease

This disease can be avoided by following proper oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing. Another preventative step is to get periodontal disease treatment from your Jacksonville dentist as soon as the signs are detected. Despite these efforts, periodontal disease continues to be one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults.

    • Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is recommended.
    • Using antimicrobial mouthwashes or toothpaste will kill the harmful disease-causing bacteria
    • Visiting your dentist in Jacksonville for dental cleanings and check-ups twice a year is highly advisable.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease can be treated in both surgical and nonsurgical methods.  Though the therapies necessary for earlier stages of periodontal disease are usually less invasive, the severe stages of periodontal disease need oral surgery.

Nonsurgical Treatments include:

    • Scaling– removing plaque and germs from the surface of the tooth and behind the gums with advanced dental tools such as a laser and ultrasonic device.
    • Root Planing- This is the process where your Jacksonville dentist smoothens the tooth root surfaces to prevent bacterial and tartar accumulation. This destroys bacterial by-products that cause swelling and slow down the recovery process.
    • Antibiotics- Using oral and topical antibiotics to manage bacterial infections.

Surgical Treatments include:

    • Flap surgery (Pocket Reduction Surgery)- Creating small incisions in the gum tissue to pull back a portion of the tissue for effective scaling and panning
    • Soft Tissue Grafting- Reinforcing receding gingival tissues. This involves replacing the damaged tissues by grafting tissues from the top palate or a donor.
    • Bone Grafting- This is a procedure that replaces the damaged jawbone surrounding the affected tooth root.
    • Tissue-stimulating Proteins- Applying a protein-containing solution to the damaged tooth root stimulates the formation of healthy gum tissues and bones.
    • Guided Tissue Regeneration- This is a technique for re-growing the bone tissues that have been damaged by bacteria.

We hope this blog has helped you to understand everything you need to know about periodontal disease treatment. Get in touch with us at Baymeadows Park Dental for the best periodontal treatments in Jacksonville, FL.

Periodontitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!

Periodontitis, also popularly known as gum issue, is a terrible gum infection that spoils the soft tissue and if left untreated, can damage the alveolar bone that delivers support to your teeth. This actually, may heighten the chances of heart attack, stroke, and other health troubles. The name “Periodontitis” actually denotes “inflammation around the tooth.” Periodontitis can make teeth loosen or cause gradual tooth loss.

Let’s find out its Symptoms!

Swollen or puffy gums, gums bleeding often, gums turning to bright red, dusky red, or purplish, bad breath, pus between your teeth and gums, pain whenever you chew, loose teeth or gradual loss of teeth, alteration in the way your teeth fit together while you bite are some usual symptoms of Periodontitis.


Our mouths are always loaded with bacteria. In several cases, the birth of Periodontitis starts with a plaque which is a sticky, colorless layer – created usually from bacteria along with mucus and a variety of particles. If you don’t go to your dentist at the right moment, then that plaque can harden enough to form tartar and further advance to Periodontitis.

 How Is Gum Trouble Treated in Jacksonville, FL?

 We do render you the best Periodontal Care at Baymeadows Park Dental in Jacksonville, FL! Treatment will be rendered by a Periodontist, a dentist or a dental hygienist. The actual purpose of the treatment is to end the infection and to toughen the bonding of healthy gums to teeth. The number and kinds of treatment will differ, as it is based on the level of the gum trouble, how well you have responded to your previous treatments, and of course your overall health status.  Options range from nonsurgical processes that obstruct the growth of bacteria to surgical processes to revive supportive tissues.

 The specialist in Jacksonville, FL, will thoroughly clean your pockets around teeth to end damage to the surrounding bone. Now, if your Periodontitis isn’t in the advanced phase, then there are non-surgical treatments available which may take less invasive methods such as scaling, root planing, or consuming oral Antibiotics. And if your Periodontitis is at an advanced phase, then treatment may involve surgical processes which comprise: Flap surgery (pocket reduction surgery), bone grafting, soft tissue grafting, guided tissue regeneration, tissue-stimulating proteins. Your doctor will address the problems you are facing and prepare a suitable treatment plan.

 Prevention and Care

 You have the best possibility for effective treatment when you always practice healthy oral habits which include: brushing your teeth every day for two minutes at least twice, flossing once daily, rinsing your mouth with a good antibacterial mouth-wash, and maintaining a well -balanced diet. Also, quit smoking and try to reduce stress. Remember to see your dentist for cleanings, basically after every 6 to 12 months.

