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What Is The Average Cost Of One Dental Implant?

What Is The Average Cost Of One Dental Implant?

It is essential to replace lost teeth for overall health and oral wellness. Dental implants offer a permanent and natural-looking solution, but navigating the associated costs can be confusing. This blog aims to demystify the pricing of one dental implant and empower you to make informed decisions about your dental care.

The Allure of Dental Implants

Missing teeth can cause a cascade of problems, affecting your ability to chew, speak clearly, and even your self-confidence. Dental implants address these concerns by replicating the natural tooth structure. A screw-like implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, acting as an artificial root. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant, creating a strong and stable foundation. An abutment, a connector piece, is then attached to the implant, followed by a custom-made crown that replicates the appearance of a natural tooth.

Dental implants offer numerous advantages over traditional options like dentures or bridges. They are:

  • Durable: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
  • Natural-Looking: Implants provide a natural aesthetic, seamlessly integrating with your existing teeth.
  • Improved Function: Implants allow for normal chewing and biting, enhancing your dietary options and overall oral health.
  • Speech Enhancement: Missing teeth can impact speech clarity. Implants restore proper speaking function.
  • Confidence Booster: A complete smile can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence.

Making an Informed Decision To Know the cost of one dental implant

Understanding the cost of one dental implant and the various factors influencing the price empowers you to make informed decisions about your oral health. Here are some key takeaways:

  • The cost of one dental implant can vary widely. A range of $3,000 to $6,000 is common, with factors like materials, dentist expertise, and geographic location impacting the final price.
  • Consider the additional costs associated with the entire implant process, such as consultations, anesthesia, and follow-up appointments.
  • Explore your dental insurance coverage to determine the extent of financial assistance you may receive.
  • Financing options can make dental implants more affordable. Discuss financing plans with your dentist.
  • Focus on the long-term value proposition. Dental implants offer a durable, natural-looking solution that can improve your oral health and overall well-being.

The Cost Equation: Unpacking the Price of One Dental Implant

While the benefits of dental implants are undeniable, the cost is a significant consideration. Unlike a fixed price tag, the cost of one dental implant can vary depending on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements influencing the overall price:

Implant Material: 

Titanium is the industry standard for implants due to its biocompatibility and durability. However, some dentists may offer alternative materials like zirconia, which can affect the cost.

Abutment Material: 

Similar to implants, abutments come in various materials, with titanium being the most common. Higher-end materials may incur additional costs.

Crown Material: 

The crown, the visible portion of the implant, can be crafted from different materials like porcelain fused to metal (PFM), zirconia, or gold. Each material offers varying levels of aesthetics, strength, and cost.

Dentist’s Expertise and Experience: 

A skilled and experienced dentist with a strong track record in implant placement may command a higher fee.

Geographic Location: 

The cost of living in a particular area can influence the overall cost of dental care, including implants.

Diagnostic Tests: 

X-rays, CT scans, and other diagnostic procedures may be necessary to assess your jawbone health and suitability for implants. These tests incur additional charges.

Surgical Complexity: 

The complexity of the surgical procedure can impact the cost. Simple, single-tooth implant placements will typically be less expensive than procedures involving multiple implants or bone grafting.


The type of anesthesia used during surgery (local, sedation, or general) can affect the cost.

Beyond the Implant: Additional Costs to Consider

While the cost of one dental implant is a significant factor, it’s important to consider additional expenses associated with the entire implant process:

Consultation Fees: 

Initial consultations with your dentist to discuss treatment options and suitability for implants will incur a fee.

Temporary Restoration: 

Sometimes, while the implant fuses with the jawbone, a temporary repair is put in place. This temporary solution typically comes with an additional cost.


Antibiotics or pain medication prescribed after surgery will add to the overall cost.

Follow-up Appointments: 

Regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure proper implant integration are essential. These appointments will incur fees.

Understanding Insurance Coverage

Dental insurance typically doesn’t cover the entire cost of dental implants. However, some plans may offer partial coverage for certain aspects of the procedure, such as the placement surgery or diagnostic tests. It’s crucial to carefully review your dental insurance plan and understand your coverage limitations before starting treatment.

Financing Options: Making Dental Implants Affordable

The upfront cost of dental implants can be a hurdle for some patients.  Thankfully, a lot of dental offices provide financing options to lower the cost of care. Explore options like dental credit cards, patient financing plans, or care credit to spread the cost over time.

The Value Proposition: Beyond the Price Tag

While the cost of dental implants is a significant factor, it’s essential to consider the long-term value proposition. Compared to traditional options like dentures or bridges, which may require replacements over time, dental implants offer a more durable and long-lasting solution. Additionally, the improved oral health, enhanced chewing function, and boosted self-confidence associated with implants can significantly enhance your overall well-being.

Consulting to a Dentist in Baymeadows

If you’re considering dental implants to replace missing teeth, the next crucial step is scheduling a consultation with a qualified dentist. A dentist in Baymeadows can assess your individual needs, discuss treatment options, and provide a personalized cost estimate for your specific situation.  During the consultation, don’t hesitate to ask questions about the implant process, materials used, and associated costs.


Keep in mind that maintaining a healthy smile is an investment in your general health. By understanding the cost of dental implants and exploring available options, you can make an informed decision that improves your oral health and boosts your confidence.

Foods To Avoid After Dental Implants

Dental implants have become a popular and effective solution for individuals seeking to restore their smiles and improve oral function. While the process of getting dental implants is relatively straightforward, it’s crucial to take proper care during the recovery period to ensure the success of the implant. One essential aspect of post-implant care is paying attention to the foods you consume. In this blog, we’ll explore the foods to avoid after a dental implant procedure to promote optimal healing and prevent complications.

Understanding the Dental Implant Process:

Before delving into the dietary considerations post-dental implant, let’s briefly review the dental implant process. Dental implants involve the surgical placement of a titanium post into the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for a replacement tooth or teeth. The recovery phase is vital as the implant fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. During this period, it’s essential to take precautions to avoid disrupting the healing process.

Foods to Avoid After Dental Implant:

Hard and Crunchy Foods:

Foods like nuts, popcorn, and hard candies can pose a risk to dental implants. The excessive force required to chew hard and crunchy foods may lead to damage or displacement of the implant. Opt for softer alternatives during the initial weeks of recovery.

Sticky and Chewy Foods:

Sticky and chewy foods, such as caramels and chewing gum, can be problematic after dental implant surgery. These foods may adhere to the implant site and interfere with the healing process. It’s advisable to avoid these items to prevent complications.

Hot and Spicy Foods:

Consuming hot and spicy foods can cause discomfort and irritation around the implant site. Additionally, extreme temperatures may affect the blood flow to the area, potentially hindering the healing process. Stick to lukewarm or room-temperature foods during the early stages of recovery.

Acidic Foods and Beverages:

Acidic foods and beverages, like citrus fruits and sodas, can contribute to increased sensitivity around the implant site. Acidic substances may also irritate the gums and slow down the healing process. Consider limiting your intake of acidic items during the recovery period.

Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco:

Both alcohol and tobacco can have detrimental effects on the healing process after dental implant surgery. Alcohol may interfere with the body’s ability to heal, while tobacco can impede blood flow and increase the risk of complications. It’s advisable to abstain from these substances during the recovery phase.

Excessive Sugar and Sweets:

High sugar content in candies and sweets can contribute to bacterial growth, potentially leading to infections around the implant site. Maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding excessive sugar intake are crucial for a successful dental implant recovery.

Chewy Meats and Tough Proteins:

Tough meats, such as steak and certain cuts of beef, can require excessive chewing force. Opt for softer protein sources like fish, eggs, and well-cooked poultry to minimize stress on the implant site.

Proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in the success of dental implant recovery. By avoiding certain foods during the initial stages, individuals can promote a smooth healing process and reduce the risk of complications. Remember to follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions and adopt a soft-food diet to ensure the longevity and success of your dental implant. If you have any concerns or questions about your post-implant diet, consult with your dental professional for personalized guidance. Taking these precautions will contribute to a healthier and more comfortable recovery journey.

Eating And Oral Care After Getting Dental Implants: Dos And Don’ts

Dental implants, a transforming solution to tooth loss, are the key to unlocking the door to a brilliant smile. Beyond the operating table, the path to long-term confidence includes attentive post-implant care. Your diet and dental hygiene are critical to the success of those expertly placed implants. We unpack the crucial dos and don’ts in this guide, providing a road map for navigating the sensitive post-implant time. From gentle brushing to wise dietary choices, these tips ensure that your beautiful smile not only charms the present but also survives as a monument to your dedication to dental health. Post-implant dental care is the key to long-term confidence.

Dos And Don’ts Of Eating After Dental Implants:

Whatever the length of your treatment, there are things you can do after you get home to help you heal faster and more successfully following implant surgery. Dental implant home care advice for a speedier and more complete recovery. Remember that it is a surgical procedure, and you must follow some Home Care – do’s and don’ts in this instance as well.

Eating Right:

Focus on cold, nutrient-dense meals like smoothies, cold soups, applesauce, and cool drinks like fruit juices, nectars, pudding, Jell-O, milk, and milkshakes after dental implants. Follow a soft-food diet high in protein and nutrients during the first three months of implant recovery. Eggs and omelets, milk, yogurt, cheese, potatoes, fish, poultry, ground beef, and soft fruits such as bananas and peaches are also suggested. Slowly reintroduce meat, starting with softer alternatives like fish, chicken, and ground beef in salads or spaghetti. Soft fruits such as bananas or peaches, steamed veggies, soft bread, spaghetti, and muesli are other options.

Avoiding Foods After Dental Implant Surgery:

Avoid hard, sticky meals after dental implant surgery and instead opt for a soft diet that includes soups and mashed potatoes. This will safeguard your implants from undue strain, guaranteeing a quick recovery and long-term success. Avoid crunchy foods such as chips and popcorn, rough meals such as fruits and vegetables, chewy foods such as bagels and candies, sticky foods such as taffy and caramel, acidic foods such as tomatoes and oranges, spicy foods such as salsa and hot peppers and extremely hot foods and beverages such as soup and coffee.

Stay Hydrated:

Proper hydration is often forgotten, although it is critical for the healing process. Water aids in the removal of microorganisms, lowering the risk of illness. It also prevents dry mouth, which is a typical adverse effect of various post-surgery drugs. 

Limit Alcohol And Tobacco:

Both alcohol and smoking can impede recovery and raise the likelihood of problems. These compounds have the potential to obstruct blood flow, reducing the body’s natural capacity to heal and regenerate tissues. Reducing alcohol consumption and stopping smoking might help you recover faster.

Dos And Don’ts Of Oral Care After Dental Implants:

Following the successful completion of the dental implant treatment, thorough aftercare is required to preserve the implant’s durability and health. Here are some crucial aftercare suggestions to remember during the healing and postoperative phases:

Gentle Brushing:

Dental implants require good oral hygiene to be successful. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush throughout the first healing stages. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, particularly after meals, to eliminate debris from difficult-to-reach places. Consider utilizing interdental brush heads to clean effectively. Keep gums and implant regions clean using a Waterpark flosser or unwaxed floss to reduce the risk of gingivitis and bleeding.

Antimicrobial Mouthwash:

Include antibacterial mouthwash in your regular oral hygiene practice to manage microorganisms and lower the chance of disease. Consult your dentist about the best mouthwash and dental implant materials for your specific needs. To promote a healthy mouth, use an antibacterial mouth rinse containing chlorhexidine gluconate to target plaque, tartar, and gingivitis germs.

Regular Dental Check-Ups:

Scheduled follow-up appointments with your dentist are vital for monitoring the progress of your dental implants. These appointments allow your dentist to identify any issues early on and make necessary adjustments to ensure the longevity of your implants.

Avoid Over-The-Counter Whitening Products:

While keeping a bright smile is important, it’s best to avoid over-the-counter whitening solutions during the early stages of implant recovery. These items can be abrasive and may jeopardize the integrity of your dental implants. Before introducing any whitening procedures into your routine, consult with your dentist.

Your dedication to post-implant dos and don’ts orchestrates the harmonic longevity of your brilliant smile in the symphony of dental care. These routines, ranging from attentive eating to gentle brushing, strengthen the basis of your dental implants. As you commence on this road, keep in mind that regular check-ups and a pinch of patience will be required. Allow each carefully selected action to be a note in the composition of an enduring confidence tune. If you follow these rules, your implants will be more than just fixtures; they will be the eternal verses of a smile that vibrates with health, happiness, and the brightness of excellent care.

How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants?

Dental implants may be an option if you prefer not to wear dentures and have lost one or more teeth due to periodontal disease, an accident, or another reason. A dental implant is, technically speaking, an artificial tooth root implanted into your jaw to support a bridge or prosthetic tooth. The majority of the time, however, when someone uses the term “dental implants,” they are referring to the fusion of the implant (the false tooth root) and the prosthetic tooth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are made of metal and are surgically inserted beneath the gum line into the jawbone. Your dentist places them to serve as replacement teeth.

Types Of Dental Implants?

There are three types of implants. They are as follows.

Endosteal Implants

Your dentist surgically places them into the jawbone. After the gum tissue around the implant has recovered, a second procedure is required to attach a post to the initial implant. The final step involves attaching a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) to the post, either singly or in a group, as part of a bridge or denture.

Subperiosteal Implants

These include a metal frame attached to the jawbone right below the gum line. The structure fuses to the jawbone as the gums regrow. Gums are penetrated by posts that are fastened to the frame. Artificial teeth are subsequently attached to the posts, like endosteal implants.

Zygomatic Implants

In contrast to traditional dental implants, zygoma implants affix to the zygomatic bone rather than the maxilla. When the quality or quantity of the maxillary bone is insufficient for the implantation of conventional dental implants, they may be used.

What Should I Avoid After The Implant Surgery?

Only drink cold beverages, and wait to eat until the local anesthetic has gone off. Stay away from hot drinks and meals for the first day, and don’t “swill” fluids in the area. Avoid poking or touching the site with your fingers or mouth. For the first 48 hours, avoid vigorous exercise (such as jogging or going to the gym).

Will There Be Pain After The Procedure?

Pain shouldn’t be a significant issue. Any oral surgery may leave you with some soreness for a few days, but this is easily treatable with inexpensive analgesics (painkillers). For the first two days following surgery, you should take them as directed, consistently. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are pain relievers for headaches, pains, and sprains. Take your first dose before the local anesthetic has entirely worn off.

Will There Be Swelling Around The Implant?

After your treatment, you can experience some swelling and bruising; this peaks typically two to three days later. Both are pretty normal and will go away independently in a few days. Ice packs or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel can minimize swelling. Hold for a maximum of ten minutes, followed by a twenty-minute break. It could also be beneficial to sleep slightly raised on two to three pillows.

How To Take Care Of Your Implants After The Procedure?

1.Use Soft Nylon Brush

You may need to change toothbrushes after obtaining dental implants. This is due to the bristles on nylon toothbrushes being flexible and mild on your dental implants. To clean the challenging-to-reach places surrounding your dental implants, you can also use a Proxabrush.

Be careful not to use toothbrushes with rough bristles because they could harm the surface of your implants. After your implants are in place, you should refrain from cleaning your mouth with any metal device. Just clean and floss your teeth, as usual, twice a day.

2.Avoid Sticky Foods

Eating tough or sticky foods can harm your implants. Not to mention that these foods might also damage the teeth on either side.

3.Do Not Smoke

For your general health, it’s a good idea to abstain from drinking and smoking. When you get dental implants, you must stay away from these chemicals. Smoking can be particularly harmful at this time because it takes your dental implants roughly six months to heal. Additionally, drinking alcohol should be avoided as much as possible because it has been demonstrated to slow down the healing of dental implants.

4.Schedule Regular Visits

Dental implants can make your smile more attractive. They only address some oral hygiene problems. Dental implants could last a lifetime with good maintenance and frequent trips to the dentist. You should schedule at least two annual dental visits, depending on your oral health. Dental implants could last a lifetime with good maintenance and frequent trips to the dentist.

Dental implants require proper maintenance. To ensure their effectiveness, you must take good care of them. Then they can last you a lifetime.

Dental Implants- Hygiene Tips, Risks

Dentists in Baymeadows suggest that the best way to improve and enhance your smile is by having a dental implant implanted into your jawbone. No wonder that over 4 million people in the USA go for dental implants to brighten their smiles. Approximately 600,00 new implants are placed every year. However, a dental implant cannot work on its own; you need to make sure that it is taken care of. To make sure that your implant lasts long, some techniques are necessary to follow to keep it clean & free from plaque & germs. If your implant gets infected it can damage the tissue around it and lead to implant loss, which further can damage your gums.

How To Clean An Implant

The correct way to clean your dental implant is by placing the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, where teeth meet the gum. Then smoothly move your toothbrush back and forth in a circular motion making sure the bristles cover each tooth. This method lets you remove all the food particles and plaque in the spaces between your teeth and implants.

Implant Hygiene Tips:

For Single/Multiple Implants

  • Routine dental cleaning
  • Brush or floss your dental implants at least twice a day
  • Use a low-abrasive toothpaste
  • Thoroughly brush the implant crown
  • Floss daily using unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss
  • Use a suggested oral irrigator at a slow pace.
  • Use non-alcohol oral rinse twice a day

For Implant OverDentures

  • Remove dentures daily and soak in the denture cleaner overnight.
  • Check extension caps or clips and alert your dentist, in case, it is missing or got worn
  • Softy brush underneath the denture
  • Rinse overdenture with water only
  • Visit your prosthodontist every 4 to 6 months

For Implant Fixed Dentures Or Bridges

  • Brush daily with a soft bristles brush and low abrasive toothpaste
  • Use dental floss at a low pace for cleaning under the denture
  • Rinse daily with non-alcoholic mouth rinse
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months for cleaning

Things To Avoid Once you have your dental implant installed, there are some things to avoid. Such as:

  • Smoking: It can inflame, dull, spoil, and weaken gums around the implant
  • Hard Food: For chewing hard foods too much pressure is applied on the implant that can lead to implant fracture
  • Abrasive Products: Never use hard-bristled toothbrushes, baking soda, or cleansers.

Listen To Your Dentist

Most significantly, follow your dentist’s advice on what are the do’s and do not’s to maintain your dental implants. Regardless of whether you are asked to avoid certain foods during the process or follow a thorough cleansing routine, your dentist’s advice is imperative to keep your implants for as long as possible!

Risk Factors

Some pre-existing diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, exposure to gum disease, or a smoking habit can negatively impact dental implants in terms of longevity. So, when it comes to dental implants, begin with the choice of the right dentist for you. There are skilled dentists who perform dental implants in Baymeadows with an absolute 100% successful result rate. Dental Implant surgery has many things to offer over other alternatives like dentures & bridges. Surgery depends upon the condition of your jaw-bone, but once you have an implant, all you have to do is take good care of it. You must maintain good oral and dental hygiene and take care of your dental implants just like you would for your natural teeth. You will surely get the longevity of your implant, which could mean a lifetime. Likewise, if you suffer from teeth grinding, you must seek treatment from your dentist, as this puts extra pressure on your implants. Protective night guards are highly recommended to save your teeth and implants.

Are You Interested In Dental Implants?

Visit our dental office in Baymeadows or contact us at (904) 448-8688. We offer a free consultation where you can consult about any of your problems and we can help work out a resolution that is most suitable for you.

Know What To Do If You Ever Face A Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies are frightening, and sometimes painful. To relieve discomfort and ensure the teeth have the highest possible chance of survival, timely care is always essential.

Occasionally, teeth get broken by scratching, scraping or chewing on hard surfaces. In other situations, they can get damaged by fillings, crowns, and other restorative devices, or fully fall out of the mouth. If there is extreme pain, it is important to make an appointment as soon as possible with the dentist. Without care, the pain caused by dental emergencies often gets worse and dental complications can seriously endanger physical health.

Types of dental emergencies and how to treat them

A knocked out tooth

When a tooth is knocked out of the mouth, having a dentist immediately is important. Once a tooth is knocked out, it affects the gums, nerves and blood vessels. If the tooth can be placed back in its socket within an hour, then there is a possibility that the tissues can expand again to support the tooth.

Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Call the dentist.
  • Rinse the tooth by the crown under warm water. DO NOT touch the root.
  • Place it back in its socket if necessary.
  • When the tooth can not be put in the mouth, as a last resort, place the tooth in a cup of milk,saliva, or water. It ‘s critical that the tooth does not dry out.
  • Get to dentist, quick.
  • In his normal hole, the dentist must primarily try to restore your tooth. In some cases, the tooth may re-attach, but if the teeth ‘s internal structures are seriously damaged, root canal therapy may be required.

Lost filling or crown

A crown or filling usually comes loose when eating on tough surfaces or due to a dental injury. Once out of the mouth, the affected tooth may be highly sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure. Crowns typically become loose as the underside of the tooth decays. The decay induces changes in the shape of the teeth – which means the crown no longer fits.

If a crown falls from the mouth, start making a dental appointment as early as possible. Keep the crown in a clean, safe place, because the dentist may be able to reinsert it. If the crown is long out of the mouth, the teeth can move or suffer further damage.

Here are the steps to take when the dentist is not immediately accessible:

  • To soothe pain, put some clove oil to the tooth.
  • Restore the crown and place it back with dental cement onto the tooth. This can be acquired at the local pharmacy.
  • DO NOT use any form of glue to add crown.

The dentist tests the crown to see whether it still fits. If it does, it is connected to the tooth again. In some cases, you might need a new crown, for which you need to undergo a dental crown procedure. This will be done where decay is noted and a new crown will be made.

Teeth missing or damaged

The teeth are sturdy but still vulnerable to fractures, cracks, and breaks. Fractures are sometimes fairly painless, but if the fracture reaches down to the root, the pain is likely to be severe. Fractures, cracks, and breaks can take various forms, but are usually caused by rubbing, grinding, and biting. There is no alternative to seeing the dentist as quickly as possible if a tooth has been broken or cracked.

Where a tooth fragment has been broken off, here are some steps you can take at home:

  • Call the dentist.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water on the tooth fragment and lips.
  • If bleeding is present, apply gauze to the area for ten minutes.
  • Hold a cool, damp dishtowel on the cheek to alleviate pain and swelling.
  • When there is no way to see the dentist immediately, cover the affected area with over-the-counter dental adhesives.
  • Take a pain reliever.

The essence of the crack or fracture will limit what the dentist can do. When a fracture or crack grows into the root, root canal therapy may be the only reliable way of retaining the tooth. In the event of a complete split, the dentist will usually add the fragment back as a temporary measure to restore the tooth.

Dislodged / loose teeth

It could be rescued if a tooth has been displaced or loosened from its socket by damage or decay. If the tooth stays in the mouth and attached to the blood vessels and nerves, there is no need for a good chance of root canal therapy.

To make an appointment, it is necessary to call the dentist immediately. In the meantime, use over-the-counter and cold compress drugs to relieve pain. The dentist must reposition the tooth and apply splints to keep it secure. If the tooth is not healing, it may need root canal therapy.

Please contact your emergency dentist in Jacksonville FL if you have any questions or concerns about any dental emergencies. We are open for all sorts of dental emergencies with the highest safety standards amid COVID-19.

About Dental Implants And Their Benefits

Dental implants are the strongest form of dental restoration in the field of dentistry. These are titanium posts that are implanted into the jawbone and a crown is attached to this post. This is perfect to restore teeth for patients who have lost just one or two teeth.

However, with all-on-4 implants and implant-supported dentures, dental implants can now also be used for full-mouth reconstruction.

Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular especially in the USA. As per a report published by Reuters, over 3 million people in America had dental implants in 2015 and the number has grown drastically by now.

“About 3 million people in the U.S. have dental implants, and another 500,000 implants are placed each year, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry.”

This is indicative of the benefits that dental implants have over the other forms of dental restoration. Thus, let’s jump into the amazing benefits of dental implants.

Benefits of dental implants

1. Immensely strong

Dental implants are immensely strong. This is because they are made of titanium, which is the strongest known alloy in the world. This strength makes them the best replacement for your strong natural teeth.

2. Durable 

As per WebMD, with proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Usually, titanium implants can last a lifetime. This is because of how well dental implants fuse and heal around the bone and surrounding tissues.

3.  Permanence 

Permanence and convenience come hand in hand with dental implants. Since they are not removable, you can brush and floss your implants just normally! Dental implants require no special care. Furthermore, they don’t slip out, unlike dentures!

4.  One-time investment 

Dental implants are a one-time investment. You just get your dental implants and they become a part of your body forever! Unlike other forms of dental restorations, you don’t have to break your bank for their aftercare!

If you’re still reading this article, we are guessing that you’re interested to get dental implants. Since it’s a one-time investment, don’t just choose any dentist. Choose the best cosmetic dentist for dental implants in Jacksonville FL near you!

Dental Implants at Baymeadows Park Dental

One of the services we proudly offer at our office is dental implant placement and restoration.   A dental implant is simply  a replacement for a missing tooth root. Implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or they can serve as support for replacing a full arch.  Dental implants also serve as a means to preserve existing bone and even help secure a loose fitting denture.  Since they rarely need to be replaced, they also happen to be a very cost effective option.

When it comes to implants, the most important thing by far is treatment planning and case selection.  First it must be determined if you are a good candidate.  Patients who are smokers or are diabetics have much lower success rates.  X-rays are used to determine If enough good bone is present to support an implant and than the proper implant is selected for the bone that is available.   When not enough bone is present other procedures such as grafting and sinus lifts may be required.  Once that is decided, the procedure begins by having the patient take an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drug one hour prior to treatment. The dental implant placement only takes a few minutes and is done under local anesthesia.  In some cases the implant may be restored immediately, but we typically wait three months to allow full bone integration before a final crown is placed.  Patients are usually amazed at how comfortable they felt both during and after the procedure.

Even though a dental implant will not decay, it’s important to remember that it should be cared for just as a normal tooth would. That means keeping up with brushing and flossing to make sure the area stays clean and free of any buildup. This will not only keep your implants looking great, but also help maintain the surrounding structures strong and healthy.

Over the last several years, implants have become a routine procedure in our office and we take every measure we can to ensure that our patients have the most pleasant and comfortable experience. We can talk you through each step, or even provide you with headphones so you can relax and watch TV while we get to work! Two of our awesome patients, Mike and Linda, can tell you a little more about the experience.

If you feel like dental implants aren’t for you, that’s okay too. We are more than happy to discuss all your options at length so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions!
