Cosmetic Dentistry at Cypress Point

Cosmetic Dentistry at Cypress Point


At Cypress Point Dentistry, we believe that a beautiful smile is a healthy smile. It’s our goal to help our patients achieve and maintain optimum oral health, and consequently, the smile they’ve always dreamed of. We offer a full range of cosmetic dental services and are able to treat crooked teeth, chipped teeth, worn teeth, dwarf teeth, congenitally missing teeth, tetracycline stains, dark “dead” teeth, spaced teeth, and just about anything that can make someone unhappy about their smile.

The most common treatments we provide are whitening, bonding and Invisalign but since every patient is different, the best way to determine the most efficient procedure for someone would be through an initial consultation. Once we have determined the treatment, our staff really takes the time to answer any and all questions our patients may have. Dr. Rios is a true artist and always aims to offer options that are as conservative as possible in order to preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible.

Our favorite part of any cosmetic procedure is seeing our patients react to seeing their new smiles for the first time. That’s when we know we’ve really made a difference in someone’s life. In many cases, that’s the beginning of other personal transformations and we’re honored to be part of the process. Everyone should be able to smile with confidence.

Want to hear what some of our patients have to say? Alex and Michelleare happy to share. If you have any questions or would like to get a consult scheduled, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call!
